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1/11/01 5-16
No. 80
Chapter 5 Annex 10  Aeronautical Telecommunications Recommendation. When a message ad- a) each line should begin at the left margin;
dressed to an aircraft in flight is received by the aeronautical
station included in the address, and when that station is not
b) a new line should be used for each transmission;
able to establish communication with the aircraft to which the
message is addressed, the message should be forwarded to
c) each communication should contain some or all of the
those aeronautical stations on the route which may be able to
following items in the order shown:
establish communication with the aircraft.
1) call sign of the calling station;
Note. This does not preclude the transmission by the
forwarding aeronautical station, of the original message to the
2) text of the message;
aircraft addressed, if the forwarding station is later able to
communicate with that aircraft.
3) call sign of the station called or the receiving station,
followed by the appropriate abbreviation to indicate
 Received ,  Readback , or  No reply heard ; Recommendation. If the aeronautical
station to which the message is addressed is unable to dispose
4) call sign of station(s) acknowledging intercept
of the message in accordance with, the station of
followed by appropriate abbreviation to indicate
origin should be advised.
 Received ; The aeronautical station forwarding the
5) designation of frequency used;
message shall amend the address thereof, by substituting for its
own location indicator the location indicator of the
6) time in UTC of the communication;
aeronautical station to which the message is being forwarded.
d) missing parts of the message text should be indicated by
typing the three periods (space . space . space . space) Transmission of ATS messages
or three letters M (space M space M space M space); to aircraft
e) correction of typing errors should be made by keyboard PANS. If it is not possible to deliver an ATS
manipulation (space E space E space E space), followed
message to the aircraft within the time specified by ATS, the
by the correct information. Errors detected after the
aeronautical station should notify the originator. Thereafter, it
completion of the entry should be corrected after the last
should take no further action with respect to this message
entry, using the abbreviation COR, followed by the
unless specifically instructed by ATS.
correct information. PANS. If delivery of an ATS message is
uncertain because of inability to secure an acknowledgement,
5.2.4 SELCAL procedures
the aeronautical station should assume that the message has
not been received by the aircraft and should advise the
Note. The procedures contained in 5.2.4 are applicable
originator immediately that, although the message has been
when SELCAL is used and replace certain of the procedures
transmitted, it has not been acknowledged.
related to calling contained in 5.2.1. PANS. The aeronautical station, having
received the message from ATS, should not delegate to another General
station the responsibility for delivery of the message to the
aircraft. However, in case of communication difficulties, other PANS. With the selective calling system
stations should assist, when requested, in relaying the message
known as SELCAL, the voice calling is replaced by the trans-
to the aircraft. In this case, the station having received the
mission of coded tones to the aircraft over the radiotelephony
message from ATS should obtain without delay definite
channels. A single selective call consists of a combination of
assurance that the aircraft has correctly acknowledged the
four pre-selected audio tones whose transmission requires
approximately 2 seconds. The tones are generated in the
aeronautical station coder and are received by a decoder
connected to the audio output of the airborne receiver. Receipt
of the assigned tone code (SELCAL code) activates a cockpit Recording of air-ground communications
call system in the form of light and/or chime signals. on teletypewriter PANS. When recording on teletypewriter, the Note. Due to the limited number of SELCAL codes,
following procedure should be used: similar code assignments to multiple aircraft may be expected.
5-17 1/11/01
No. 80
Annex 10  Aeronautical Telecommunications Volume II
Therefore, the use of correct radiotelephony (RTF) procedures Establishment of communications
contained in this chapter is emphasized when establishing
communications via SELCAL. PANS. When an aeronautical station initiates
a call by SELCAL, the aircraft replies with its radio call sign,
followed by the phrase  GO AHEAD . PANS. SELCAL should be utilized by suitably
equipped stations for ground-to-air selective calling on the
en-route HF and VHF radio channels. En-route procedures PANS. On aircraft equipped with SELCAL, PANS. Aircraft stations should ensure that
the pilot is still able to keep a conventional listening watch if
the appropriate aeronautical station(s) are aware that [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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