Collection Of Shorthanded Limit Hold'em Poker Articles 

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range of hands, the more willing you should be to re-raise as you will be able to outplay
them post-flop. Oddly enough, those players with a very wide/light raising standards
should also be re-raised more, but this time for value. It's the players in-between that
are the problem.
Example: Loose player who raises AAAP (Any Ace Any Position) re-raise your mid-pairs
up, good Aces and hands like KQ, QJs). Be aware that you want position in this spot, re-
raising a multi-way pot out of position with something like AJo or KQo is quite a tricky
proposition, big suiteds it should be auto.
I don't like cold-calling unless there is already another cold-caller in. If the table is very
likely to cold call behind you then you can indeed cold call more with big suited (never a
PP or AKo/AQo), JTs would be my minimum outside the blinds (T9s and J9s are too
much trouble and get you out-kicked too often) and probably only OTB with at least one
caller in and loose, predictable blinds. T9s and J9s are value-steal hands.
If you want to know what I mean by the Stars comment, go watch the $100/$200 Stars
game. These guys will not let up betting until they are told, except on some ultra-bad
boards (and then they probably have the goods... ). All those hands you thought the
River was scary? They will bet.
4.4 Stop'n'Go
I have one question concerning the stop 'n go.
Obviously a S&G is used to combat when you think somebody is raising for a free card,
so you then bet into them on a blank turn, thus charging them the max for their draw.
Here is what i dont completely understand:
If I am fairly confident that the villian is raising for a free card, why not 3 bet
immediately and then lead the turn?
just trying to clear up when exactly to 3 bet, or when to just call and lead out on the
I realize that their odds are much worse on the turn to hit, but you are still a fav. on the
flop, so why not stay agg. right there?
Nate tha' Great:
You make an excellent point. There aren't many heads up situations in which the stop-
n-go is superior to the 3-bet-n-go. If you know that your oppoenent is raising for a free
card, you absolutely must 3-bet.
More realistically, however, there are spots when an opponent may be raising for a free
card, but may also be raising with a legitimate hand.
For example, suppose that you hold
and the flop is Q T 5 .
Suppose that you know that your opponent holds EXACTLY one of the following three
hands. Your equity against each hand is in parenthesis:
A K (68.6%)
A 9 (54.4%)
A Q (14.3%)
Your combined equity against this range of hands is 45.8%. Even though you are
"ahead" against two of his three combinations, you are actually an underdog in the hand
because he has more outs to catch up if he's behind than you have to catch up if you are
behind. Therefore, 3-betting is probably not advisable.
Now suppose that the 2 falls on the turn.
Your equity position has improved quite a bit:
A K (84.1%)
A 9 (72.7%)
A Q (6.8%)
You are now a 54.5% *favorite* against his collective range of holdings, so you should
In multiway situations, the stop-n-go comes up more frequently if you flop something
like top pair on a highly coordinated board, since your opponents may hold a lot of
collective outs against you.
4.5 25 very simple questions
I'm trying to adapt to 6-max but up until now it's very hard for me. I do play aggressive
but maybe a little to aggressive. Up until now I've only played 2K hands at 5/10 and I'm
down 70BB. I know this isn't much and the swings can be huge but I a lot of questions.
Asume a typical 5/10 with no reads. Please tell me what your action would be in every
1 You have 88 at the button and UTG or UTG + 1 raises
2 You have 77 at the button and UTG or UTG + 1 raises
3 You have 88 in SB and UTG or UTG + 1 raises
4 You have 77 in SB and UTG or UTG + 1 raises
5 You have 88 in BB and UTG or UTG + 1 raises
6 You have 77 in BB and UTG or UTG + 1 raises
7 You have 88 in SB and CO or button raises
8 You have 77 in SB and CO or button raises
9 You have 88 in BB and CO or button raises
10 You have 77 in BB and CO or button raises
11 In any of these questions would you play 66 different than 77?
12 You have KJo in CO and it's folded to you
13 You have QJo in CO and it's folded to you
14 You have JTo in CO and it's folded to you
15 You have T9s in CO and it's folded to you
16 You have 89s in CO and it's folded to you
17 You have J9s in CO and ít's folded to you
18 Would there be any difference when you are at the button in question 12-17?
19 You open raised QJo in LP, BB called. Flop is 257r, BB bets out.
20 When do you play 22-66? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
