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going all out in her intention to make Chaz regret any decision he d made that didn t include
worshipping at her feet.
 What happened to  I love the hunt ? I d asked as she discarded the tenth or eleventh not-quite-
perfect cocktail dress before shimmying into a bit of silver fabric with a thigh-high split.
Smiling into the mirror with predatory resolve, she d waited for me to zip her up and examined
her body in the reflective dress that set off her red hair like she was on fire.  Oh, I m hunting all
right, she d purred.
I split away from Kennedy without a backward glance, and he called,  See you later,
I considered and rejected every excuse I could cook up for why I needed to bow out, belatedly
wishing that I had never agreed to accompany Erin to the annual Bash. My normally sane roommate
was determined to make her ex-boyfriend s life a living hell for at least one night. At dinner Friday,
she said,  I have to do this. For closure. Maggie arched a brow at me from across the table. Between
the Erin/Chaz drama, Kennedy s attempts to reverse our breakup, and the likely presence of Buck,
Saturday night couldn t be over soon enough for me.
Avoiding eye contact during the self-defense class Saturday morning proved more difficult than
dodging each other during economics, but Lucas and I managed it for the first hour. The oddest part of
the past week was the worksheets he continued to send, but without any note beyond. The entire email
consisted of: New worksheet attached, LM.
 Where a kick is more likely to be miscalculated by the victim or evaded by the perp, a knee-
strike is close-range and more easily executed, so we re going to focus on this defense first. Ralph s
voice brought me back to the self-defense class.  And I assume you ladies know what you re aimin
for with that knee.
Dividing into two groups as we had two weeks ago, I went to stand in Don s group and Erin
followed. He held a thick pad with straps for his muscular forearm to hold it in place, explaining
knee-strike basics and asking for a volunteer to help demonstrate, which Erin readily answered. I was
proud of her resounding No! as she grabbed Don s shoulders and slammed her knee into the pad. I
recognized the move from Lucas having used it on Buck though he d struck him under the chin rather
than the groin. Buck had gone straight to the ground. And stayed there.
When it was my turn, my self-conscious hesitation disappeared with my group s vocal
encouragement and Don s  Again! between each strike. Exhilarated, I walked back to Erin wide-
eyed and shaking with adrenaline. She laughed and said,  I know, right?
We progressed to kicks, and every time I landed one and heard Don s gratifying grunt, my fear
that I could never replicate these in real life lessened. Vickie the white-haired woman who d
unknowingly given me the courage to remain in the class two weeks ago asked how, even if we hit
the right place with enough force, we could win against a man his size.
Don reminded us that we didn t have to win a fight we just had to get away.  Every second
buys you time to run.
When Ralph announced a short break, I stole a look at Lucas. Over the heads of two girls, one of
whom was talking to him, his eyes were on me, their icy gray-blue almost colorless from across the
bright room. After the physical activity of the morning, my response was overwhelming. My breath
went shallow and quick, neither of us turning away until Erin hooked her arm through mine and
 C mon, lovergirl, she murmured, inaudible to anyone but me.
I flushed as I let her lead me into the hallway, toward the locker room. Leaning over the sink, I
splashed water on my face and stared into the mirror, wondering what Lucas saw when he looked at
me. What Kennedy saw. What Buck saw.
 Got it bad, don tcha? Erin handed me a paper towel and pursed her lips, angling her head as
she examined my face in the mirror, too. Her dark eyes met mine.  I should have known that hookup [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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