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responded, shuddering.  Remus, Victor, and Caleb, their friend,
rescued me after a few months. My father didn t want Riley to treat
me. He wanted me to die because I was mated to a man. Our brother,
78 Joyee Flynn
Isaac, kidnapped me and pulled out my fangs in hopes of teaching me
a lesson and so our father wouldn t have me killed.
 Wow, Patrick answered with a whistle,  nice to know our
family is so loving.
 Dillon helped rescue me, Noah said.  Abraham and Isaac are
the assholes. I feel bad for Isaac, actually. He used to be a good guy.
He s spent too much time around our father. He s warped and twisted
his mind.
 I m sorry, he whispered.  How do you drink without your
 Actually they just finished growing back, Noah replied, opening
his mouth to show him.  See?
 Those are so cool, Patrick said, leaning forward.  I feel like the
weird one not having them. Sometimes I feel like I ve warped into the
Twilight Zone.
 Really? You d want them? Riley asked, walking in.  Are you
serious about that?
 I don t know, he answered, giggling.  I m not saying I d want,
like, fake ones, it s just weird being a human living with a house full
of vampires.
 I m asking would you want to be a vampire? Riley replied.  If
you could, would you want to be?
 What are you talking about, Riley? Stefan asked as he, Micah,
and Remus joined them.  Why are you asking him this?
 I ve studied Patrick s DNA thoroughly. Riley started sitting on
the edge of the table. He so easily switched into professional mode, it
was impressive to Patrick.  I m pretty sure I can change him over to
one of us.
 You can make me a vampire? Patrick asked, his jaw hanging
open.  Seriously? You re not just fucking with me?
 I m not fucking with you, Riley answered, smiling at him.  I
think I can convert you to one of us.
Stefan 79
 Riley, don t you think you should talk to Stefan first? Micah
 Let s have this discussion in private  Stefan started to say
before Patrick blew up.
 Yes, I agree, Patrick interrupted, grinding his teeth.  You all
can leave. My doctor is talking to me about my body. I make my own
decisions now. Stefan is not my parent, he s not my keeper. Riley, can
we go talk in your lab or something?
 Of course, Riley replied, shooting Micah and Stefan a dirty
look.  I think this consultation in private would be best.
 Thanks, Doc, he replied, giving the same look.  Lead the way.
Patrick noticed Micah s and Stefan s shocked faces while Noah and
Remus were trying not to laugh. He followed Riley out of the kitchen
and down the stairs to the lower level. Once there, Riley threw an arm
around his shoulders, still not saying anything.
 You okay, Patrick? Riley asked when they were in the lab.
Patrick couldn t say anything yet, still letting the whole conversation
upstairs sink in. He just nodded as Riley led them into the lab and
closed the door behind them.
 Okay, so what s the deal, Doc? he asked, sitting on the lab
counter.  Can you really do this?
 Yes, Riley answered with a smile.  Have I done it before? No,
of course not, but I m pretty sure I can.
 What are the risks? Side effects?
 No clue, Patrick, he replied, blushing.  It s never been done
 How do you want to do this?
 I would drain you of all your blood, Riley explained in
professional mode,  get you to the hospital, and once your heart stops,
inject it with our blood. I would then restart it and pump vampire
blood into you. In theory, having only our blood in your system
should have you make the conversion to full vampire.
 What concerns do you have about this?
80 Joyee Flynn
 You could die, of course. Riley snickered.  I might not be able
to restart your heart.
 Do you think that s likely? he asked, trying not to worry at the
sound of dying.  Can you do this, Riley?
 Yeah, I can do this. I won t let you die, Patrick.
 Then I m in, Patrick said, smiling.  When do we start?
Stefan 81
Chapter 7
 You want to do what? Stefan asked, trying not to yell at Riley
and his little mate.  You ve got to be fucking kidding me, right?
 No, we re completely serious, Patrick answered.  This isn t
your decision, Stefan. You can be there and be a part of this or stay
here and wait.
 Look, baby, he replied, taking Patrick into his arms.  I wasn t
trying to take away your choices earlier. I just thought you had been
through enough already. I wanted to talk to Riley about shelving this
conversation until you had time to process everything else going on. I
wouldn t just talk to your doctor and make decisions for you, okay?
 I believe you, Patrick answered, standing on his toes to kiss
Stefan.  But I m still doing this. You can come with and help, donate
some blood for me. Or you can sit here and wait for us to get back.
 Fuck that, I m coming. He growled.  I just don t know if I like
the plan.
 Oh, there s a plan? His mother snickered,  I thought it was
more theories and wait and see.
 Elena, I would hope you d have more faith in me than that,
Riley replied, looking hurt and pissed.  You really think I would play
with someone s life if I wasn t confident I could do this?
 No, Riley, I m sorry, she answered with a sigh.  You have to
admit, though, nothing like this has ever been done. We re not talking
about a simple bullet removal or something. You re talking about
converting my son s human mate into a vampire.
 I wouldn t even think about this, Riley explained,  if he wasn t
already half vampire. He has the blood of a founding family. It s a
82 Joyee Flynn
very strong blood line. With us changing Patrick with Marius blood, I
really doubt any problems.
 Enough foreplay, Patrick said, cutting everyone else off.  We re
doing it. Anyone who wants to be there to help and support us, get in
the cars. Anyone opposed, no hard feelings, and we ll see you when
we get home.
Stefan would have laughed at everyone s reaction if the topic of
conversation wasn t so dire. What the hell had happened to his
passive little mate? While he was proud of Patrick, he was scared of
losing his mate.
 Look, I ve spent my entire life helping my mother, Patrick
explained as if reading his mind,  and then cleaning up the mess that
was left for me. Yeah, the asshole tricked me, but I was doing what I
thought I had to. Never again, this is my decision and I m making it.
If I can be what you are, be a real part of this world, it s worth the risk
to me.
 Okay, baby, Stefan answered, hugging his mate.  Then let s do
 Thank you, Patrick whispered.  I knew you d understand.
When Patrick and Riley had come back upstairs from the lab,
Stefan had been worried at the look on his mate s face. Patrick looked
determined in a way Stefan had never seen before. Now as they all
headed out the garage to load up into cars, Stefan was starting to
panic. What if he lost his mate? This had never been done before.
Something could go wrong.
 It ll work, Patrick assured him as they got in the backseat of
Micah s car.  I trust Riley. He s a good doc.
 I know, baby, he replied, snuggling his little mate closer to him.
 Doesn t mean I m not scared of losing you.
 I won t let him die, Riley assured him from the front seat.  He s
my brother-in-law now. I wouldn t do this if I thought he d get hurt in
the process.
Stefan 83
 This is all just going a little fast for me, Stefan said.  I wish I
just had more time to wrap my mind around it.
 I don t see a point in waiting, his mate replied.  I knew from the
moment Riley explained I wanted this. Why sit around and debate it?
Stefan wasn t really sure what to say, so he nodded and kissed the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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