2002.01 Migration Working with Windows in Kde 

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easiest way to find a window is to select it from the
window list (see Figure 12). This is reached by means
of a symbol button in the panel.
Figure 12: The window list makes
If, after the installation of KDE, this button is
it easier to get an overview
missing, press the right mouse button over a clear
area of the window bar and select Add/ Window list. browse through your desktops in a similar way.
The Window list menu enables you to change the Instead of pressing Alt+Tab, you just have to use
desktop and lists all open windows sorted by Ctrl+Tab.
desktops. KDE wouldn t be KDE if there wasn t
another way. Press Alt+Tab and a window will Focussing
appears in the middle of the desktop displaying an As in Windows, a program window can be brought
opened application with its name and symbol (see to the front by clicking on a visible part  this is called
Figure 13). Hold down the Alt key and leaf through giving the window focus, as the active window is
all the windows by pressing the Tab key. now the focus of all keyboard inputs. You can also
When the one you want is displayed, release Alt configure the desktop to focus on a window through
and the window will jump to the front. You can also contact with the mouse cursor, rather than just
clicking. To configure this in the KDE control centre,
select Look & Feel/ Window Behavior/ Actions. Here
you can set whether window content should be
Virtual desktop
displayed when a window is moved or its size altered.
The graphical user interfaces of Linux have at their
If you have little in the way of computing capacity
disposal more than one desktop, in order to
then you would be advised to deactivate both
provide sufficient space for lots of open windows.
KDE offers four of these desktops as standard,
and a maximum of 16. Every desktop can be
separately configured. This improves the working
conditions considerably, for example if one
matches the desktop properties to the respective
working area.
Figure 13: Leafing through the windows with the keyboard
Figure 11: A little clearer
LINUX MAGAZINE Issue 16 " 2002
Figure 14: Mouse contact is all it takes to activate Figure 15: Three buttons and any number of options
options. You have already met the area of Positioning these zones can be varied between 0 and 50 pixels
action. As standards for the activation of a window, via a slide controller in the Magic Edges area. This is
there are several options available: in the control centre under Look & Feel/ Desktop/
Ï% Activation following a click is the default. If you work with multiple virtual desktops it s
Ï% Activation by mouse contact activates a window if possible to move a window from one desktop to
the mouse touches any part of that window (see another. You can do this by pinning on the window
Figure 14). In addition to this, the option in one desktop, then deactivating the pin in the
Automatically to the fore can also be selected. You desktop of your choice. Another way of doing this is
can set how fast the window should come to the to right-click on the title bar or the edge of the
foreground by using the slide controller. window to be moved. Select the menu item On
Ï% If instead you select To the fore by a click, the desktop and choose the desktop you want the
window reacts to a click on any part of the window to be moved to. You will still need to change
window. to that desktop, where you will find the window
Ï% Unlike the option Activate under mouse cursor: placed exactly the same as before.
Here you have to click on the title bar in order to This also works in the opposite direction. If you re
bring a window forward. The automatic option working on one desktop it s possible to fetch a
does not apply in this case. window from a different one. Right-click on the
Ï% Activation precisely under mouse cursor triggers button of the corresponding window in the window
the same actions as activation on mouse contact. bar. (Obviously this only works if you ve configured
Ï% What happens if you click with one of the three the window bar to display the windows on all
mouse buttons on an active or inactive window? desktops). From the pop-up menu select On desktop
KDE offers a pretty bewildering range of possible and choose your desired option. The desired window
combinations. These settings are made in the KDE will now appear on your current desktop.
control centre under Look & Feel/ Window
Behavior/ Mouse Behavior. The default settings are Shot down
largely similar to the action of the mouse under As well as closing a window from the X button on
Windows. Left-clicking on the title bar of an active the title bar, you can also press Alt+F4 or select the
window brings this to the fore; a click on an relevant option from the window menu. If a window
inactive window activates it and again brings it refuses to close you can force it to do so, although
forwards. this option should be saved for when there really is
no other option. Press Ctrl+Alt+Esc and the mouse
If you ve always wanted to do this with the right cursor will turn into a death s head. By left-clicking on
mouse button, then that s not a problem. For a window you can now kill this window  this usually
example, the left mouse button can move the also ends the corresponding application at the same
window backwards and the middle key can open an time. In order to get rid of the death s head mouse
actions menu (see Figure 15). There are almost no cursor simply press Esc.
limits to the fun you can have experimenting. It In the next issue we shall be dealing with
should also be pointed out that the edges of the Konqueror, KDE s counterpart to the Windows
windows are equipped with  magic zones. These Explorer. Just like Windows Explorer, Konqueror
ensure that if a window is shoved near to the edge of combines the functionality of a file manager and a
the desktop, it  sticks to the edge. The width of Web browser all in one compact package.
Issue 16 " 2002 LINUX MAGAZINE [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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