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as he pounded into him. One leg over Remy s shoulder and the other hooked high
around Remy s flanks. Even their sweat seemed to drip in time, his heart beating out a
mantra that filled Jamie s ears with Remy s name. The connection between them had
never been as deep, as raw, as it was right at this moment and Jamie knew& he just
knew that Remy felt the same. That this wasn t a brief dalliance, what they shared was
real and neither of them could deny it any longer.
When they came within seconds of each other, their name on the other s lips,
Jamie clung to Remy as the man collapsed on top of him, their harsh breathing echoing
around the room. If he could have frozen this moment in time, he would have, gladly.
Anything to keep them here, in each other s arms, right where they were supposed to
 I m starving, Remy complained, padding into the bedroom from the bathroom,
rubbing his hair dry with a towel after his shower.
Jamie nodded, smoothing down the sheet he had just changed and stretching,
reaching high above his head.  Me too, he replied, crossing the room and looping his
arms around Remy s waist, kissing full lips softly.  I m thinking sushi. He laughed as
Remy turned up his nose at the word.
 I m thinking a twelve ounce rib eye, extra rare. Jamie shook his head
indulgently as Remy closed his eyes and sighed.  With onion rings and French fries and
a side  a bacon. Oh, and a side salad. I gotta think of my waistline.
Jamie wandered back to the bed and flopped down onto the mattress. He d
showered before Remy and the scent of the shower gel assaulted him as he sank back
against the pillows. Leaning over, he picked up the phone and dialed room service. He
gave their food order and glanced over at Remy who had bounced onto the bed beside
him.  And we ll have a bottle of your finest champagne, he added, frowning when
Remy waved at him.  Hold on just a moment. He put his hand over the mouthpiece
and raised an eyebrow.  You don t like champagne?
 Get some for you. Remy shrugged, his gaze hooded.  I ll have a beer,
preferably Bud.
Jamie ordered the drinks and put down the phone, turning onto his side to study
the man beside him. He wasn t sure he liked what he saw. Somewhere between the
shower and the bed, something had changed, but Jamie couldn t put his finger on what.
His gaze traveled down Remy s chest, and he reached out and gently traced the semi
healed wound on his ribs.  When are you going to tell me what happened? The
answer he received was nothing less than he expected.
 Should I be worried?
Remy turned his head and looked at him, the hardness in his eyes tightening the
fingers around Jamie s heart once again.  I told you. It s done. It s finished. Nothing to
worry about.
Jamie sighed heavily, knowing that was all the insight he was going to get into
the cause of Remy s injuries.  Okay, he said softly, stroking his fingers across Remy s
abs.  Just do me a favor. Take better care of yourself. If not for yourself& for me?
Remy gazed at him for a long moment and then hooked a leg over Jamie s, rolling
him beneath his long body. Jamie traced the curve of Remy s shoulder and slid his
fingers into the other man s hair. When Remy kissed him, Jamie realized that he hadn t
answered the question.
* * *
 You don t waste much time, Director, Remy said. They were back in the
nondescript office, but things looked very different than they had the day before.
Although the case was barely twenty four hours old, if you counted from when the
arrests were made, the investigative unit was being disbanded. The computer was
already crated, the furniture was mostly stacked to one side of the room, and all that
remained was a few boxes and several mismatched suitcases.
He and Jamie had come here from the hotel, after a long night of loving and a lazy
morning packing. There was a lot left unsaid between them, but it seemed to Remy they
were both careful to avoid anything that might spoil the gentle truce between them.
 You re right, Remy, Julia Forsythe said.  We don t waste much time. We can t
afford to. You ve met nearly our entire team. As I told you when we first met, our work
is specialized. It also doesn t always include what might be considered straight police
work. There s a lot of diplomacy involved at the international level. That s why I asked
for this final meeting before we return to our home offices.
The tension in the room was palpable and Remy was starting to get a bad feeling
he wasn t going to like what was coming next.
 We got planes to catch, Director. Why don t you just tell us what s going on?
 Come on, Julia. These boys aren t slow and they don t strike me as the type to
shy away from things, Yardley said from where she perched atop a large wooden
Remy watched the two women exchange a long glance and realized some silent
communication had taken place when Yardley nodded and Julia gave a small smile in
 Yardley s right. It s simple, really. In most investigative work, the case extends
far beyond the initial arrests. Witness statements to take, forensic evidence to gather
and document, final reports to write. All critical details that must be captured in order
for the case to be successfully prosecuted. In the diplomatic world, when cases are [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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