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exorcism ritual will remove entities with. in a person. You can remove an entity
from a person, but do not forget the first of the 33 Cosmic Laws-Self-
It is not wise to do this without an understanding of how to
protect one's self and one's loved ones, for when the demons are cast out, they
are free to roam. They would obsess any. one who is highly complexed and in
the vicinity where you are, unless they have had the teachings and have the
rate of vibration to make them safe. Therefore, it is very essential at this time
to create a white light throughout yourself and those who are present for
protection against intruding entities cast from others. This is most important, for
self preservation is number one.
After you have mastered the previous chapters, you are able to do this for
you have developed your concentration power and your visualization power very
For those of you who have not succeeded in mastering the first part of this
book, especially of ridding yourself of negative ego and creating harmony
between your conscious and subconscious, do not attempt this spiritual
work. Fools tread where angels dare not.
Another method for deposessing demons is the use of LEE power which was
mentioned earlier in a previous chapter.. It is a simple way that uses your own
electric current or the subject's current within his own body and unit to heal and
knock out all undesirable things from him. It does little good to depossess a
person of his obsessions unless he tries to correct the conditions that caused him
to be possessed in the first place. He should practice positive speaking, and he
should attempt to remove his complexes before being depossessed by a person
with this knowledge. The most import. ant thing that he can do is rid himself of
negative ego as much as possible.
After depossessing the invaders, it is wise to put a protective light about the
person, the same as you did around yourself. before you started. This will keep
the invaders out for a short time. Whether the person remains completely
depossessed depends entirely on . the person's thoughts, positive speech, and
ability to remove his colt1plexes and conquer his negative ego, for it does no
good to chase out the invaders if the gate is not closed afterward.
The things you are being told have been kept secret by those who have
learned this knowledge and science in the .past, but it is this author's belief that it
is wrong to hold such knowledge for one's own selfish gain and health, for all life
should be helped by this knowledge and wisdom. Therefore, this truth is being
spread to those of you who are ready. This is divine truth. It has been done and
proven beyond a shadow of a doubt..
When you have the power of the Spoken Word and the ability to create a flow of
LEE from your hands or eyes, the invading .entity must obey you. It will have to
obey you. It must exit upon your command
Jesus Christ, the Master Teacher, once spoke words that meant this, "And you
can control all the spirits in the air."
Keep absolute control of your mastery over these subjects at all times, for it is
very dangerous to lose control. You could be attacked by these invisible invading
forces. For those of you who had private lessons in the ritual of protection, it is
wise to use the Huna Salt Ritual or the magic circle drawn around you and your
loved ones or your associates before attempting such an undertaking as you
have just been taught in this chapter. Some of you have been taught these things
by other teachers. It is good to hear science from every aspect, but please do not
forget that words sometimes are confusing. Many teachers say the same thing as
presented here, but in words which may confuse you..
Obsessions are sometimes termed "demons" or "earthbounds" or anything from
a dimension or place where they are accustomed to living due to their own rate of
vibration. All obsessions are not undesirable. Some' are trapped in human
beings because of lack of understanding. In some cases, the strong bond of
love will attract a deceased relative into a human being, but in most cases it is
It is best never to dislike anything, for dislike is truly hate. That which you hate,
you will attract to you. This is the law: Like attracts like. With love you would
attract good, kind, helpful things-with hate you would attract negative,
undesirable, harmful things.
Those of us who have received the teaching of what to do with the depossessed
entities, who have been taken from a person, have learned that they are usually
handed to a spirit guide or Aumakua and taken to the proper dimension
for understanding and teaching, so they may not repeat that which they have
In depossessing a person, many things are accomplished that are
wonderful. You are helping the possessed person as well as helping the
possessing entity by releasing it and sending it where it belongs, where it will
receive teaching and training and healing. You are compiling a positive karmic
debt for yourself. In helping others, you will be helped in many ways.
In using the knowledge and wisdom you have been given, it is essential to use a
strong command and desire that if the invaders should become unruly, you
will burn them with the rays of LEE, and they must do what you say. They have to
do what you say, for you are dealing with unenlightened minds.
Sometimes the only thing they understand is force; therefore, if they do not obey
your command, MAKE THEM!
In some cases, they do not understand love and affection. They are of a negative
nature, or else they would not be harming another individual. They are like a
mad dog-you must use force in this case. You use mental power applied with
LEE, which is all powerful, and which will bring great pain and a burning
sensation to them when applied.
Do not limit yourself with your own thinking. Mind is all powerful. When applied in
the right direction, miracles can be accomplished!
If you have mastered the previous chapters of this book on positive speaking,
sin complex removal, negative fixation removal and negative ego correction, you
can master these undesirable spirits. If you have not mastered that which we
have taught here, it is suggested that you do not try to master these undesirable
spirits, for you would not have sufficient power to control them.
The author of this book has spent several years in the tropical paradise of
the Hawaiian Islands. While he was there, he had some of the most
wonderful experiences, both materially and. spiritually. When. in this
beautiful Aloha State, he experienced some of the most wonderful contacts in the
astral dimensions and ethereal planes.
There emanates over the state a lovely, pleas. ant lavender ray. This ray has
a soothing, awakening, quickening sensation on psychic unfoldment. This
is not only the author's opinion, but also, that of his associates who came to
Hawaii from the mainland and who were metaphysically minded arid on the
pathway of truth and knowledge.
In this garden spot of the Pacific, many people have mystical experiences.
Every day their wonderful unfoldment and psychic attributes are discussed
The Kahunas or high Priests are learned men with wisdom and knowledge from
their ancestors and are called on for many things-healing, personal problems of
the people, understanding, leadership and guidance. There is a shroud of
mystery about these Kahunas, these men and women with this knowledge,
and there is a pleasant understanding smile on their faces when they see the
magic at work. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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