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down in a steady manner from 600 per 1000 in 1960 to 210 to 2000 per 1000 for male
In short, it is obvious that at first there was less tendency to smoke among
women and there was an upward trend in their tendency. However, in 1975 the trend
changed and two genders kept quitting smoking, and in 2000 the number of male and
female smokers became equal with just a little more men smoking than women as before.
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Task 1: two bar charts, which are about disease (death rate and research funding)
(IELTS preparation, 1999 holmesgien institute of tafe page 15)
The graphs compare six different diseases in Someland in 1990 in the subject of
death number and the budget which is allocated to medical research. They reveal that
when there is more concern to spend money on medical research in any disease, the
amount of death is consequently decreased.
In the first graph, the number of death from TB is 1.8 million people, which could
be considered the highest death number and in the second step diarrhea with 600,000
death stands. Leprosy with 100,000 and AIDS with 200,000 deaths have the least number
of deaths. The two other diseases _ malaria and Tropical diseases _ just have an average
amount of mortality. The second graph demonstrates that the amount of money which is
invested on TB (20 million) is at the minimum range, whereas that of the AIDS (180
million) is the highest. Four other diseases are funded by an average amount of money in
medical research.
In short, when there is low amount of investment on medical research, the result is
an increase in the number of deaths, and vice versa. Also, it is obvious that those diseases
which have an average amount of funding for medical research, have a precise decline in
death number.
Good job. But the conclusion seems a bit irrelevant or probably not right. You could
conclude that TB once a prevalent disease was invested on highly, but the AIDS, which is
now more prevalent, is to be spent on more. And the challenge of the era was TB, but it is
AIDS now.
Apparent means something which just  seems so , but obvious means something which is
 clearly so ! Try to understand the distinction that is a matter of question in the IELTS.
The elderly people of over 50 years of age should be retired and be replaced by the
young. Do you agree or disagree?
Human beings need to be active through their lives. Working period in governmental
organizations is defined as thirty years work duration; however, the real time that staffs
have capability to operate properly could be over three decades. There are so many
opportunities for workers to continue their occupation in situations like guiding staff,
teaching new employees, and working in nongovernmental organizations (NGOs).
As a matter of fact, after a period of thirty years work, people obtain enough
experience to be considered as highly skilled workers. These staffs have this merit to be
pushed onto higher positions and show their performance as head managers or executive
bosses. Furthermore, when members of an organization make progress step by step, they
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are more sensible about other colleagues than those who get the managerial positions
without passing through lower steps of organizations.
In the same way to getting high positions in organizations, teaching other staff
especially new employees is another approach to give responsibility to retired staff.
Considering creation of new careers for young people, it comes to view the need for
educating these new workers, so the experienced staff can take part in education system
of newcomers.
Another method to use retired workers of governmental organizations is hiring them
in NGOs. Retired staffs have a vast view about everything and can use this ability to
make fantastic advances in NGOs. Furthermore, retired people have facilities like
pension contributions and healthcare insurance, so they can work with lower salary
payments, and this is an important advantage for many NGOs which use public
Obviously, experience is one of the most important factors in occupation and the
only way to provide acceptable performance is through experienced staff, so it would be
advisable to continue usage of retired staff in proper positions due to their knowledge and
Nowadays, people spend much more time and money on their appearance than before.
Do you agree or disagree?
The appearance of people is not a suitable indicator to be evaluated by it;
however, having nice and tidy appearance and clothes is a common belief among all
nations. With investing a lot of money and spending a lot of time on adjusting appearance
due to public fashion, there would be unfavorable consequences including wasting time,
firing money, and expanding consumerism.
Unfortunately, in recent years people invest so much money on their garments,
haircut, and luxurious furniture. Instead of allocating budget in order to make a
fashionable society, it would be better to use this money in welfare facilities and
education progress.
Moreover, if we sum up time of dressing and make up, it comes to view that a
tremendous duration of time is wasted in front of mirror. The amount of time which is
spent in malls and multi-sectional stores to buy new cloths and jewelries, can also be used
in other meaningful activities, such as reading books and playing sports. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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