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old school that believed that when you found your mate, you claimed
them, no matter where you were when it happened. It didn t matter if
the young woman was willing or not, it was just a fact of life. They
hadn t begun to understand his promise to Victor.
I m just lucky they don t have the authority to force my hand.
Remus knocked lightly on the door and then jumped back slightly
when it was opened immediately. He started to smile down at Maddie,
but quickly changed his expression to a frown. His little mate was
obviously in a temper about something.
God, please don t let her be angry with me about anything.
Deciding to go with his original plan, Remus swept an arm around
Maddie s waist and pulled her close.  Hey there, pretty woman,
you re looking really fine today. He leaned down and pressed a kiss
on her lips. He wasn t happy when she merely accepted his kiss and
didn t bother to kiss him back.
 Hi, Remus. It s good to see you.
Oh, boy, the tone of her voice told him her heart wasn t into what
her mouth was saying.  Okay, what s wrong?
She looked up at him and sighed.  It s nothing, really. Are you
ready to go on our picnic?
Remus tightened his grip as she tried to pull away.  Maddie,
what s wrong? When he saw the stubborn look on her face he
tightened his hold even further.  You might as well tell me because
I m not letting you go until you do.
He watched as she allowed her head to fall back and then heard
her groan.
 Okay, okay. I m angry at Michael.
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Discovering Her Wolfen Heritage 57
Remus couldn t help but be relieved that all that anger wasn t
focused in his direction.  What happened?
 I got my usual call from him this morning.
 Why would getting a call from your brother upset you so much?
Maddie pulled against his hold again, and this time Remus let her
move away. He watched as she walked across the room. He quickly
followed her inside and shut the door.
 I guess I shouldn t really be upset. It s not like he hasn t said the
same thing to me time and time again.
Remus was beginning to get the feeling she wasn t really talking
to him. It was more like she was talking and reasoning with herself. It
was making him a little nervous.  Baby, what did he say that got you
so upset?
He almost jumped when she whirled around and leveled an icy
stare at him.  He was trying to get me to agree to go in and let Dr.
Constantine evaluate my condition. That s his word, not mine. She
began to pace back and forth in the small cabin.  Where the hell does
he get off even talking about my so-called condition? He hasn t seen
me in several weeks, and unless you re filling his head with tales
about my mental condition deteriorating, he doesn t know a thing
about me. She turned and looked at Remus, and he could see a tear
on her cheek.  He s not gonna be happy until I m living back at the
clinic under the doctor s control.
Remus dropped the picnic basket and rushed over to take Maddie
into his arms. He pulled her tight and held her head to his chest.  You
don t have to worry about anything because I ll never let them take
you away from here. You have my word on that.
 Would you really be able to stop them, Remus? Her voice was
low and muffled with her head pressed so tightly against his body.
 Absolutely. I m not going to let anybody cause you any more
pain, Maddie. That s my solemn vow to you. You re safe here on the
mountain with me, I promise you that. He leaned down and pressed a
kiss to the top of her head.  What do you say we grab our picnic
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58 Missy Martine
lunch and take a walk along the river bank. We can find a nice spot,
lay out a blanket, and just be lazy for the rest of the afternoon.
Maddie leaned her head back and smiled up at him.  That sounds
like a plan.
 Good, then let s get out of here. He took Maddie s hand and
pulled her toward the back door, stopping to pick up the basket along
the way. Together they walked across the field and headed down
* * * *
Remus watched as Maddie cleaned up after their picnic. She
looked relaxed and happy, and he hated to break her mood, but there
was something he wanted to ask her.  Maddie, why do you think
your brother wants so badly to put you back in the clinic? He winced
at the look of sadness that came over her face.
God, I m sorry, baby, but I can t protect you if I don t know all
the facts.
Maddie sighed and leaned back on the blanket.  Michael loves
me. I don t have any doubt about that. He wants me to be happy, but
his guilt drives him to make sure I m safe.
 What guilt? Remus became alarmed when he noticed a lone tear
sliding down her cheek. He decided to let her finish telling her story
before he took her in his arms. He had a feeling this was something
she needed to get out.
 I don t know how much you know about what happened to me
when I was a child. She looked at Remus as if she was waiting for
him to answer.
Remus decided quickly not to let her know just how much Victor
shared with him.  I don t know much at all. Victor only told me you
had an accident on the lake that caused a head injury.
She gave Remus a small smile that didn t quite reach her eyes.
 Yeah, an accident while I was trying to learn to water ski. Michael
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