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been practically exercised.
This, of course, is no longer the first step. The second step,
this impregnation, is much more important.
In order to achieve this impregnation properly, the power
of your imagination has to be developed to a sufficient level, a
goal that we have striven for in the preceding exercises. But
what is even incomparably more important and essential is that
the procedure of the inner awakening must have taken place
within you; without that, any "imagination" is dallying in super-
ficiality and every "word" remains an echo. In other words, the
transformation of the inner point of view, the "change of the
lights" which is the foundation of any further ascent, must have
taken place. You yourself know best how much have you pro-
gressed on this path. You have learned how to control yourself.
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I repeat: Have patience with yourself! You will harvest the ripe
fruit only if you know how to wait.
The A wakening Of
The Higher "I"
By way of suggestion, you have already become partly ac-
quainted through practice with the two main centers of the pro-
creative fire which were placed within you as the "lower light"
and the "upper light." You are acquainted with their reciprocal
relationship and know that the upper light can only become
stronger if the lower light is weakened. Only when the lower
one has been overcome can the higher eros illuminate and
commence its activities as we wish and aspire.
You must also know that between these two points of en-
ergy there is a third, the astral heart center, which is just as im-
portant and which you can imagine to be in the area of the solar
plexus, not far from the physical heart. Here the psycho-electric
currents of the two main directions meet and cross, namely the
north-south, which connects the upper light with the lower, and
the east-west, which connects the external light with the inner.
Both directions are at right angles to each other. If you extend
your arms horizontally while standing with the palms of your
hands upwards and at the same time receiving the breath of the
universe, you will gain and understand through this the sacred
ancient symbol of everything higher and everything perfected
pertaining to mankind - the cross.
Blessed Are The Pure
In Heart
The astral heart, of which the physical heart is but a coarse
replica, is the location and the organ of a highly important
current equilibration. All astral procedures reflect directly in
this current equilibration: All passions such as hate, envy, etc.,
but also all emotions such as fear, sorrow, and shock call forth
severe disturbances in this significant equilibration. Many heart
ailments have their origin in severe sorrow and many a death
has been caused by sudden shock. Have you ever paid attention
to how constrained and irregular the breathing of a spiteful
person is?
Everything Physical Has Its
Roots In The Soul
The more you strive towards the light, the more unconditional
and victorious becomes the genius within you, the more you
yourself become light; also, this vital center works with much
less waste, and these streams of light flow through with much
less restraint and conduct the circulation of the upper energies
better and more quietly and reflect the brilliance of the spirit
much more purely. "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall
see God!"
Mysteries Of The Word
The awakening of the higher "I" is closely connected with the
deeper being of the word and breathing. Words do not come
into being by chance; they do not form by themselves. Words
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are pertinent symbols, intimately connected with whatever is
expressed, and not what the superficial view understands them
to be. This is readily understood when it comes to certain verbs
(action verbs) whose sound is a reproduction of the activity to
be represented, for example: hissing, rustle, quiver, thunder,
lightning, breaking, etc. These words possess the ability to con-
sciously force the picture of what is expressed upon the listener.
The more original a language is, the richer it is in such "paint-
ing" of words, where sound and content cover themselves in a
uniquely perfect manner. The German language, judged in ac-
cordance with that standard, is one of the most perfect in the
If you research this more deeply, you will find that this re-
lationship between the word and its content can be discovered
throughout. All human language is a succession of these kinds
of significant symbols of sounds. That applies to every word,
every sound and every letter.
If we take a closer look at nouns or adjectives, we will
make the peculiar discovery that all of them represent firm,
rigid, visible or tangible activities, motions that are expressed,
reproduced through the perception of the senses which they
arouse in us. This also applies to the actual verbs (action
words). To me the wind "whistles" and "howls," water
"trickles," thunder "roars," because wind, water and thunder
trigger within me such inner feelings which are best described
by the words "whistles," "howls," "trickles" and "roars." A
sensory perception is an etheric vibration and wave length of a
particular kind in our astral center. As everyone knows, the
color "red" vibrates differently than "violet." The external air-
or ether-vibration continues through a certain transmission
apparatus in our Innermost and forms here an inner picture
which I, in accordance with the training of my thoughts, can
call forth anew at my discretion through an act of the will with
comparatively easier or greater difficulties. There exists at all
times an intimate connection between this inner picture and the
word through which we express it. We do not actually think in
pictures of the senses, but rather in word-pictures, that is, in the
end, in letters.
Therefore, everything we create or produce is first created
in thought or word-pictures, which means, in the end again, in
letters. In this manner we come inevitably to the conclusion that
letters are energy, even though they are elementary energies;
you must, however, possess the ability to make proper use of
the letters.
If I think of "sweet" or "tart," "quiet" or "screaming," then
those words already contain - purely in the succession of the
letters - the sense, the meaning which is connected with them
when they are expressed. The foundation is the word which is
thought, the first garment, the first form and the formation of a
thing. The spoken word is the second form. The visible realiza-
tion in the external, material, physical world is the third. All the
things that are around us, if they are viewed in this manner, are
a succession of letters which have become physical and tangible [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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