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"He's not my king. Our myn might have rescued Grandfather ... but oh, no. His
goat-fucking lawgivers had to stick a blade in him."
Vertram exhaled loudly.  It went against custom and law. I'll give you that
much. Under the circumstances, it was understandable."
"Don't give me that. It was murder. Plain and simple. My uncles are going to
punish Kynyr. Mark my words, Vertram. They're going to punish him."
"Stop talking that way, Jocelyn. What's done is done. No one in their right
minds will go against King Kynyr now."
"Have you gone coward on me, Vertram? Jocelyn's words dripped with venomous
contempt.  Is there a yellow stripe up your spine now?"
"We are at war with Waejontor, Jocelyn. It's more than petty raids."
"My uncles "
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"I don't want to hear about your uncles, Vertram roared.
"I'll find someone who does. Jocelyn flounced from her chair and rushed out
into the corridor. Myn, who normally greeted her, turned their faces away and
strode past her. She spotted Lillian talking to Fletcher.
"Lillian... Jocelyn grabbed her arm.
Lillian Morrissey pulled loose.  Not now, Jocelyn."
Fletcher took a step back from Jocelyn, staring at her as if she carried the
Appalled and hurt, Jocelyn fled to the back stairs that led to Sorcha's Solar.
She stomped up them, filling the air with imprecations and vows of vengeance.
Throwing the door open, Jocelyn found the chamber empty; or so she thought
until a familiar voice greeted her from a chair in a shadowed corner.
"I've been expecting you, Jocelyn."
She whirled around.  Lyncoln Wescot."
"So how is Miss High and Mighty now? Not so high and mighty, I wot. Lyncoln
chuckled darkly.  As you may or may not be aware, treason is a crime."
"Oh, so now I'm a bastard and no longer a nutter? I'm not certain whether
that's an improvement or not. I really ought to spank you. You might like it."
"You wouldn't dare. She wrinkled her nose and hissed at him.
"It's not a matter of dare. It's a matter of whether I really want to. You
see, Jocelyn, what happened to Clennan is partly your fault."
Lyncoln chuckled again.  Yes, yours. All the time you thought I was merely
chasing your skirts; you were filling my ears with your grandfather's
intentions. You were spitting them in my face. Very obliging of you. I rather
imagine the arrest warrants will be going out for your uncles before sundown."
Jocelyn let out a despairing shriek and fled.
* * * *
Solstice should have been a happy time, filled with song and good cheer.
Regina had not expected to find any of that, but neither had she expected the
chaos that greeted her. The execution of Clennan Doherty, combined with the
news about Anglecyn, had thrown many of the thanes and their bitches into a
Walking down the corridor as Regina left her suite, Emma appeared looking
rumpled and disheveled her troubled blue eyes bleary with fatigue.
"Reggie? Reggie, can I talk to you?"
"What is it?"
"It's about Fletcher."
"You'll have to talk to Stone, if you've changed your mind."
"No. No. Not that. You've got to tell Kynyr that Fletcher had nothing to do
with it."
That stopped Regina in her tracks.  What are you talking about?"
"Fletcher's terrified that Kynyr will hang him. He did nothing but pace up and
down all night long."
Regina glanced around to see who might be listening, took Emma by the hand,
and drew her into the first room she spotted that did not belong to someone.
It turned out to be a large linen closet.  Take a deep breath, and then
explain why Fletcher should be afraid of Kynyr."
"Fletcher supported Clennan."
"Did Fletcher know about Clennan's plans for Todd?"
"Everyone did, Reggie."
"Everyone? An edge sharpened her dubious tone.
Emma gave a sidewise nod.  The scene at Aisha's funeral."
"You can't weasel out that easy, Emma. What did Fletcher know?"
Emma ducked her head.  Fletcher used to have Clennan, Vertram and a few others
over in the evenings for drinks in our suite. Clennan and Vertram were
regulars, the rest were usually thanes they hoped to bring over to their side
of the matter."
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"All they wanted was the votes, Reggie."
Regina's jaw clenched in irritation.  If you don't tell me right this instant
what Fletcher's afraid of, then I'll have Stone ask him."
Emma blanched.  Fletcher's just afraid that holding those meetings makes him
look like a conspirator."
"Is that all? Regina could see how that might look bad for Fletcher.
"Tell Fletcher that he should speak to Reist about it. In the meantime, I
don't think he has anything to worry about and you can tell him I said that."
Emma's lips trembled.  Thank you."
Reggie walked out, leaving Emma alone in the closet. All the myn she passed
greeted her. She received more smiles, nods, and other acknowledgements than
she had ever got before. Behind much of it lurked a nervousness that she could
not miss.
Lillian fell into step beside her.  Happy solstice, Reggie."
Regina's eyes slewed sideways in dubious surprise.  Same to you."
"Banan and I were wondering if you would care to have lunch with us in our
"Lunch. Right. No. Regina's mouth tightened.  I haven't time today."
"Oh, but we would so enjoy having you. Lillian made a moue.  You could bring
Reist. Please, don't disappoint us."
"Pretty please?"
Regina stopped walking to glare at Lillian.  Ask Reist. If he says yes, come
back to me. Until then, I'm too busy."
Six more myn stopped her before she could reach the Rose Room; and by then
Regina had figured it all out. They were terrified of Kynyr.
She closed the door and put her back against it.
"Have some tea, Reggie. You look like you need it. Lyncoln Wescot waved the
pitcher at her.
"Where's Merissa? Regina settled on the sofa and accepted the cup of tea that
Lyncoln poured for her.
"She's not coming. Got a note from her."
"Then why are you here? Regina eyed him suspiciously.
"I thought you might like someone to talk to."
"I can't imagine what we would talk about. I'm overwhelmed already and it
isn't even noon."
"The southerners are all over you like a plague of ticks. They lost the caber
toss and now they're frantic to find themselves a winner. Lyncoln tapped a
package on the tea table.  That's for you. A solstice present."
"You didn't need to do that..."
"Just say thank you and open it up. Something to sweeten your day, which I'm [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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