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take her to the next level. Pleased to obey, put his mouth Sinjun on the hard mound in
which he joined legs and sucked my mouth. His fingers tangled in hair and Christy
that arched to receive the warm cave of her mouth as she slid the wet tongue and
fingers tormented her.
She panted, writhing, sobbing, but Sinjun continued. Every lick of his tongue closer to
sweet death.
Breathing sighs escaped him in scalding. The rough velvet of his tongue was going
crazy with the divine and tormented ecstasy. Sinjun tasted again and again, bringing it
to every hot top rams. Christy is gripped his shoulders when he covered the back with
his hands and thrust deeper into the warmth of her mouth. His body was bathed in
pleasure, trembling, crying silently to Sinjun his release.
And then he did. Christy could feel the contractions were beginning in the depths of
his being a fit while your body piercing became a mass of quivering flesh and
sensitive. He heard someone yelling and was startled to realize that what he heard was
his own voice. That went on and on until Christy collapse inside and ran out of
Slowly returned to reality. He opened his eyes glassy and unfocused. Sinjun sat
crouched between her legs with midnight blue eyes and smoky, his manhood still stiff
and strong. He was tense and intense expression.
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-Metema within you, love, his voice hoarse and rough, as if his self-hanging by a thin
Christy stared at his burning eyes, took his hands and introduced him to the center of
his being. A gust of air expelled whispered against his cheek when he slipped inside.
She walked around the body with arms and clung to him, urging him in silence to
deepen more, all that was capable, until it no longer could give no more.
Christy looked at him intently; Sinjun was buried in it to the back and his arms placed
on either side of his head. His muscles tensed and he became more prominent when it
started to move. At first he did slowly, as if to prolong the pleasure. And then, as if
dragging an emotional turmoil, a wild urge came over him and her hips beat a frantic
pace, grinding, beating, rekindling the flame inside Christy.
Held by the same wild frenzy, Christy marked him back with her nails while the
rammed hard Sinjun again and again. He felt the blood was hot. It was tearing,
twisting and turning in a storm of erotic pleasure, ecstasy ever touching the virility of
Sinjun reached the center of your body.
Sinjun knew he was dying. Those delicate small contractions felt inside Christy sucked
his manhood, bringing it closer to the edge of climax. Retained in the mouth the moan
of ecstasy from Christy. His spasms quickened his, and then blew all thoughts, leaving
only the desire that drove him and the woman in his arms. His body stiffened, a wild
cry arose from her throat, and his seed warm and burning off like a bullet from his
body in the direction of Christy.
Unable to speak let alone breathe, Sinjun had to wait several minutes before being able
to move. The heart was pounding against the chest when he stood up and threw off
her, standing beside her in bed.
- Do you still want to leave, love? Whispered amid the tense silence.
"No," said Christy in the middle of something suspiciously like a sob. Do not want to
leave you never, Sinjun, but I have to. Try to understand my position.
- And what about your position as my wife?
"Always be your wife. You know. Niall Leaving here is going to kill me. Please
consider your ultimatum. I swear to keep our son safe for you.
"You will not take you to Niall and there is nothing more to say Sinjun's voice sounded
strong commitment and full of rage. We've been through this before, Christy. I have
not changed my mind. Confident that you change yours. The only way that would
allow Niall to leave would be starting all together to the Highlands.
"That is absolutely impossible, argued Christy. The situation can be resolved without
the need for British intervention. I've already explained that British soldiers to carry
Glenmoore cause the loss of innocent lives. Effie Gavin and I will leave here for dealing
with the welfare of Niall in my absence.
- Damn you! "Snapped Sinjun. He would not understand anything because he had no
patience or affection. It jumped out of bed, picked up the clothes that were scattered
around and muttered a curse under his breath.
"Remember one thing, ma'am. What happens from now on will be up to you. You can [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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