Ann Rule Possession 

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image, and another rushed in. She heard the impact as his squad car crashed
and saw the brown-and-white unit reduced to crushed metal trapping her dead
Now Danny wasn't dead. He was only injured, and she was being rushed to the
hospital to be with him. She would bring him back through her love and tender
care. She would not leave his bedside; she would will him to be whole again
and warm his skin back to life with her own.
She thought she could actually smell the hospital odor, and Danny's muscular
arms were dark brown against the bandage and bedsheet white. Lying there like
that, he seemed very sexy, and she felt a tickling beat in her crotch, an
insistent heat there.
She was not asleep and not awake, but aware enough to glance toward the shade
and see that it was not flush with the bottom of the window. She sighed and
switched off the little light by the bed and then got up and pulled the shade
all the way down and checked to see that the bedroom door was locked.
She lay back in bed and pictured the scene again. Danny, injured but alive,
and herself sitting beside him, his hand clutching hers, holding onto her as
if he would fall away forever if he lost touch. She could smell the bandages
and iodine again, see his arms flex, and then, slowly, a small tent rising
from the sheets where his erection pushed.
She leaned across to stroke his shoulder, and she felt his] mouth nuzzling
blindly against her breasts. She opened her blouse and put his mouth on her
tingling nipple, cradling him as she let him suckle, knowing that she was
keeping him alive.
Her fingers tugged and circled her nipple's rubbery hardness as Danny nursed
at her in her mind, and she let one hand fall lightly between her legs,
feeling how warm and moist she was. It wasn't bad if she didn't let her hand
move; it was only daydreaming.
Danny's eyes were still closed, but his penis poked at her, fighting to get
free of the knitted sheet. Still suckling his eager mouth, she pulled the
cover away and saw his huge and dark hard-on trembling beneath his hospital
gown, the eye of it wanting her mouth. Outside their white room, nurses and
doctors were walking back and forth; they could come in any minute. She didn't
care. She massaged his penis and he groaned and whimpered against her breast.
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She let him suck on her finger as she moved down in the bed. He tasted quite
sweet where she licked him and drew the silken head into her mouth.
She wanted him so much that she felt swollen, and she couldn't stop. She
mounted him, letting herself slide over his straining cock, feeling it push
up. And then she rode him wildly, letting her breasts whip back and forth
across his face, letting her own hand move fiercely over the pink nub between
her legs.
She saw the shocked faces at the doorway, saw them raise their hands to warn
her away from Danny, and still she bucked on top of him triumphantly. When the
feeling grew to bursting, the lover who had been dead beneath her except for
his mouth and his cock threw back his head and shouted, and his voice
shimmered up through her belly and down her thighs in waves that made her legs
Joanne lay back and sobbed, horrified at what she had done, and still knowing
at last what had been waiting at the top of the hill she'd never managed to
climb. She walked shakily to the bathroom and bent over the sink, scrubbing
her hand in the dark.
Duane padded around outside the farmhouse in the dark. He knew she was in
there because he heard rustles of soundùa door slamming, the floorboards or
maybe the bed creaking, and, finally, a sound as if someone inside wept.
Maybe. It was hard to hear through the walls. He tried each window, quietly so
that no one could possibly hear him, and found them all locked. He'd expected
that the doors would be and they were. He could break in, shatter the glass to
get to her. But that was risky; she might have enough time to get to the
phone. He couldn't cut the line; it came down from the pole and entered near
the roof, too high over even his head.
He wanted to smash and force his way in, but his common sense prevailed.
Tomorrow, he could find her along the road, alone, with no walls between them
at all. He would have to sleep outside in a close watching place to be sure he
didn't miss herùor them, if the husband took her away. His sleeping bag was
already on the back of the bike, and his saddlebags were packed now and ready.
He didn't even have to go back to the crummy room. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
