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decisions. In my first ten months, I organized a job search and career development seminar for over
500 attendees. I also chaired a panel discussion with five senior executives to discuss the secrets of
their success. Despite the challenges involved, I am committed to the work and take great pride in
helping others achieve their dreams. I think Erin Brockovich would be proud of my efforts.
If you were a character in a book, who would it be and why? What do you admire most about this
character, and how does it relate to you personally and/or professionally?
As an Assistant District Attorney, I have tremendous respect for members of the judicial system. My
greatest failures, both personally and professionally, are the violent crimes that I have been unable to
prosecute. Although it is not in my job description, I feel a responsibility to provide closure for crime victims
and their families. I can't imagine another career with a higher calling or with a greater challenge.
My favorite public figure, who has been the subject of several true crime books, has spent the past six years
trying to attain justice for a slain girl. Lieutenant Steve Thomas of the Boulder Colorado Police Department
is in many ways a cherished American hero. He's a handsome professional, a devoted husband and father,
and a 12-year veteran of Colorado law enforcement. But he's never been a public figure until his most
recent, highly-publicized case. Ironically, it may be his only murder investigation that remains unsolved.
Despite the media saturation with the Jon-Benet Ramsey murder mystery, no one focuses on Steve Thomas
and his futile struggle to apprehend a heinous killer. As a prosecutor, I share his obsession with the case. I
can't imagine why anyone would sexually molest and murder a beautiful six-year-old girl in her own home. I
can't explain the logic of the nonsensical ransom note or the elaborate staging of the child's corpse. I will
never understand her family's reluctance to co-operate with the investigation and bring the killer to justice.
I am nauseated by this child's death and the pain she suffered. Because of his job, Steve Thomas has been
immersed in Jon-Benet's pain for six years. He pursued every possible lead, only to have the Colorado
Grand Jury fail to indict a suspect. Despite incredible frustration, Steve Thomas perseveres in his job. He
interacts daily with officers, citizens and suspects who do not support his investigation and wish he would
stop pursuing it. Not likely. He is committed to solving the Ramsey case and convicting the killer. I thank
God every night we have people like him working in law enforcement to protect us. I can't imagine a man
more honorable, heroic or worthy of my respect.
If you were a character in a book, who would it be and why? What do you admire most about this
character, and how does it relate to you personally and/or professionally?
Throughout the years, I have been inspired by hundreds of heroic and adventurous characters in modern
literature, yet I would most like to change places with William Kane of Jeffrey Archer's novel, Kane and Able.
To me, Kane epitomizes the moral, ethical and personal traits of a true hero. In any situation, he has
determination and incredible self-confidence. He knows what he wants and is sure he will get it. Never
reckless, Kane's decisions are based on careful planning and deliberation. He defies evil, remaining a man
of integrity in all business deals. Even when his opponents are using desperate methods to harm him, Kane
always adheres to his principles.
Kane is also an inspiration as a personal role model. He is an ideal son who honors his father's wishes. In
stressful situations, he considers how his parents would view his options and chooses accordingly. Kane is
also a loyal friend to Matthew, remaining devoted to him during his terminal illness. Kane's combination of
strong personal integrity and acute business acumen enable him to solve serious problems in an honorable
Although my achievements are not yet as impressive as William Kane's, I can relate to his personality and
integrity. Like him, I am also a determined man who is committed to success. I also have a fulfilling and
rewarding personal life in addition to my career. During professional challenges, I have been inspired by
William Kane's persistence. His example encourages me to stay focused on my goal and not give up during
stressful times. I believe that William Kane would support my plan to learn as much as possible to become
a great executive.
Discuss an Obstacle You Have Overcome
Throughout my lifetime, I have overcome tremendous obstacles to become an advocate for health care in
my native Zambia. In the remote village where I was raised, most children had no formal education. Lacking
basic learning facilities and financial support, few completed both primary and secondary school.
Fortunately, I was blessed with the tenacity to succeed. After years of struggle, I arrived at the  GREAT
COURT of the University of Zambia in 1988 to start an undergraduate course in medicine. After five years
of mental and physical torture, I graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery in 1989.
After completing an internship at a provincial hospital, I registered as a medical officer and worked in a busy
maternity unit for two years.
In 1994, I was recruited into the Zambian Army and deployed as the medical officer in charge of a battalion
of soldiers. My stint in the Army was the most exciting period in my life. As the first Zambian doctor to be
trained as a paratrooper, I undertook numerous night missions with American soldiers during military
exercises. After a three-year stint in the military medical service, I joined the Department of Obstetrics and
Gynecology at the University of Zambia for a master s degree in obstetrics and gynecology. After graduating
in 1998, I joined the regional military hospital as a gynecologist. I worked in this capacity until 2003, when I
started a private consulting office for reproductive health matters in Zambia.
After seven years as a practicing Obstetrician and Gynecologist, I have identified an acute need for [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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