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"Queendom", only a woman could be the ruler!
"Janis always took my mother's side," Darlanis snapped. I recalled the two
there on Sarnian Lady.
They had not been very much like two sisters. I had wondered why. I thought
now that I knew why. Yet
I recalled Janis' emotional reactions. The bitter tears, the later attempted
suicide Sharon had stopped when Darla- nis had seen her sister die there on
the decks of the Seahawk.
"We still have to go to Dularn to end this war," I said.
"You can go as my representative," Darlanis snapped back.
"You have no desire to see your mother again?" I asked.
"After what she DID to ME?" Darlanis then "snapped back".
"If you could save Queen Tulis' life or Princess Tara's, which would you
save?" I suddenly challenged her in reply. I saw those azure eyes widen in
shocked surprise at my words. I needed to break through all of Darlanis'
"armor". Break on through to the TRUTH! This was the only way that I could do
that now!
"Tulis isn't Tara," Darlanis snapped back. "And I don't ap- preciate having
you compare them like
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that either," she snapped! She was angry now, her eyes like a icy cold azure
as they burned into mine! I
had struck "pay dirt" with my insistent probing! I don't think Darlanis really
understood what sort of
"doc" I was!
"There is still a bit of love left, isn't there?" I smiled. I had hoped that
there might be buried deep in the most secret recesses of Darlanis' heart. I
could only hope that Queen Tulis still had some for the daughter she had
disowned thirty years ago. Darlanis nodded, her eyes moist and saw something I
did not as we sat there together. I suspected, however, what she saw.
Next Chapter
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2565 A.D.!
By Jerome B. Bigge
Book Two
Chapter Forty One
"Be careful all that alcohol goes through that strainer," I warned as the last
of the medical alcohol was poured into Black Lady's wing tanks. I hoped the
patched wing would hold together. The shipwright thought that it would, but he
didn't know anything about airplanes. About the effects of alcohol on the
patching materials of the 26th Century. This was not some galley with a hole
in the hull from battle! We had to hold liquid in, not out!
There was a big crowd to see us off, all the "high and mighty" of Trella. Both
our golden haired
Princesses, Jon, San- da, Lady Tirana, Delilah, and all the others I had
gotten to know during the time that Sharon and I had spent here in the 26th
Century. Four months ago to the day I had flown through a strange thunderstorm
and ended up here in the 26th Century. Now I was going to fly off again, this
time to Dularn with Darlanis to end a war that had taken thousands of lives on
both sides. I had left written instructions as what to do if neither of us
"came back". If something happened to Darlanis and me in
Darlanis had a beautifully fitted golden thread dress that outlined the curves
of that perfect figure, but also concealed enough of her that her mother might
find her more "acceptable". I wore a black tunic and hose suitable for the
more cooler cli- mate of Dularn, and had packed a silk gown for the more
"formal" occasions. Both of us had taken ample clothing for our stay. For the
flight to Dularn Darlanis too had selected black tunic and hose. We had
brought our swords and Darlanis' compound bow. Not that I felt our weapons
would make any difference, but this is an era where women of our caste are
expected to be armed for- mally. I was also taking my force-saber with me
"just in case".
"I still wish you'd reconsider and take the Squala," Jon said to me. My
adventures in the air recently had been enough to deter nearly any body from
getting into the plane with me. It would take Squala nearly two weeks to sail
from Trella to Arsana or a bit less, depending on the wind. Black Lady could
in theory make the trip in ten hours or a bit less, although I did not plan to [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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