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winked before she left the room.
 You know. Sidney strolled over to Dedrick, her eyes narrowed on him.  There is something going
on between you two. I don t know what it is, but you had better make sure it doesn t hurt her. Jaclyn
has been hurt too many times, and I m not going to see it happen again.
 I m not going to hurt her, Dedrick said.  I promise to stay as far away from her as I can. And
nothing is going on.
Sidney nodded.  Protect her out there.
Dedrick smiled.  I will protect her with my life. Now will you go up and check on Adrian while I
take care of the other stuff?
 What the hell did I get myself into when I married this family? she mumbled, walking out of the
* * * *
 Are you sure this is going to work? Adrian asked Dedrick for about the tenth time. They watched
Jaclyn stroll up the drive to Thomas s house swaying her hips seductively.  I can t see Thomas
straying so soon after he has Skyler underfoot.
Dedrick grinned, and it sent a chill down Adrian s spine.  Oh, it will work. His eyes were on Jaclyn,
and once again, they fixed on her ass.
Adrian started to wonder what was going on with the man where Jaclyn was concerned. Since Jaclyn
had come back to the house, Adrian had noticed that Dedrick seemed tense.  Okay, man, I ve got to
ask this. Adrian took a deep breath before he turned toward Dedrick.  What the hell is going on
with you? When Dedrick frowned, Adrian quickly went on.  The moment Jaclyn walked into the
house you became all alpha and shit. I know you said that you were feeling something a while ago,
but is it changing?
Dedrick held onto the steering wheel so tight his knuckles started to turn white.  I don t know
what s going on. Dedrick sounded on the edge, like he was fighting for control.
 I think you do, man.
Dedrick looked at Adrian quickly, and Adrian was able to see the slight flash of red in his eyes.  I m
 Dedrick, it s not the end of the world if you end up mated to a human. Your brother is, and they
are doing fine.
 Can we talk about something else? Dedrick growled.
Adrian nodded and turned back to the front. A few minutes went by before Dedrick spoke again,
and Adrian was pretty sure Dedrick had allowed the silence to stretch just to get him pissed off. It
 I m sure Thomas is ready to get laid big time, and I would bet my last dollar Skyler is feeling
anything but loveable. Dedrick chuckled.  After I saw firsthand how my sister brought you down
to your knees with one kick, I sort of feel sorry for Thomas. He held up his hand, pinching two
fingers together.  About that much though.
The thought of Thomas trying anything with Skyler had Adrian growling. The only man who was
going to be touching her was him!  He touches her and I m going to rip his motherfucking throat
Dedrick chuckled. He opened the driver s side door.  Come on. If Jaclyn gets hurt, Sidney will have
my nuts.
 He s going to pick up our scents, Adrian said through gritted teeth, trying to keep his voice low.
 We re not going up to the fucking house, Dedrick growled back, glaring over his shoulder at
Adrian.  She s going to bring him out to us.
 That s your great plan! Adrian worked hard to stay quiet, but it was difficult.  Remind me again
why I brought you and not Stefan, he finished sarcastically.
 Stop whining, Dedrick growled.
They stopped at the end of the drive, hid behind some bushes and waited. Adrian could feel the
excitement rushing in his veins, and the need for some kind of violence hit. He wanted to hurt
Thomas so bad he could almost taste the blood.
 This isn t going to work, Adrian whispered.
 Yes it is, now shut the fuck up, Dedrick snapped back.
Five minutes went by, and they d not seen hide nor hair of Jaclyn until suddenly she came walking
down the drive with Thomas on her arm. She was all smiles and laughs as Thomas talked, and
Adrian felt Dedrick tense up. When he looked at Dedrick, he saw a hint of red in his eyes and
thought he heard a low growl.
 Where did you say your car was? Thomas asked Jaclyn.
 Right around here. She smiled back.  I swear the damn thing is always breaking down on me.
Dedrick moved first, and Adrian followed. They waited until they could jump behind Thomas,
catching him completely off guard. It worked. By the time Thomas picked up on them both,
Dedrick and Adrian were standing behind him.
Thomas stopped and peeked over his shoulder. Jaclyn slowly backed away from him and he lunged
at her, but Jaclyn managed to jump back and kick him so hard in the nuts that Thomas went down
to his knees holding his crotch.
 Pick on someone your own size, she spat at him before turning and running back up to the house.
 So what now? Thomas groaned. He struggled to get back up to his feet to face Adrian who was
growling softly.
 Now, I m going to kick your ass, Adrian snapped.  And then I m going to take my mate back
Thomas laughed.  She s mine! he yelled.  I took her, and I m placing my claim on her.
 She already has a mark. Adrian smirked back.  Mine!
Both changed into their wolf forms at the same time, their clothes ripping as their bodies became
larger. Adrian was a good foot taller than Thomas, but Thomas had a wider build, so they were
matched fairly. Adrian lunged first, swiping wide with his paw but catching nothing but air. Thomas,
however, managed to make contact with Adrian s side.
Dedrick didn t move, only stood in the middle of the driveway watching the scene.
 What the hell is going on? Jaclyn demanded, standing next to Dedrick.
 A fight, he said.  What s it look like?
 Dedrick! Skyler rushed up to him, but when she made a move toward Adrian, Dedrick grabbed
her and stopped her from going any farther.  Stop this!
Adrian heard her voice and howled. His mate was free, but the fight for the dominance was still at
hand. Adrian was going to show Thomas that one didn t take another s mate without consequences.
Only when he brought Thomas down would he prove the point that Skyler was his!
Thomas charged him, and Adrian knew then it was all over. He moved with grace and skill, turning
to the right and swinging his thick arm over his back to grab Thomas with his large paw around his
throat. Adrian picked the man up, and slammed him down to the ground with enough force that
some of the concrete cracked from the force.
Holding Thomas down by his throat, and just like that Adrian cut off enough of his air to force
Thomas to change back into his human form. Once he did, Adrian, panting hard from the
adrenaline, also changed back.
 I should kill you for what you ve done. Adrian panted, fighting the instinct to squeeze the life
from him.
 What about what you ve done? Thomas squeaked, holding onto Adrian s arm with both hands.
 You ruined my life. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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