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had.  I don t know what got into him. He admitted stealing my stuff. He said he was sorry, and then
actually expected me to hop into his car and head home with him, like we could just pick up where we left
off. She shook her head, baffled.
 I m not surprised, Harry said, staring at her.  He wanted you back, but on his terms. He d probably
pushed your buttons successfully before, and he thought he could do it again.
The truth of that hit Ginnie.  And he d called me manipulative. He was the control freak. His style
was just more passive, so I didn t see it. I wasn t a ball-buster. She intercepted Harry s look.  Oh yeah, he
called me that. And control Nazi. And worse. Grinning, she gave him a teasing look.  Then you rode up
on your white horse and saved me again.
 I didn t 
 Your armor all shining, ready to do battle for truth, justice and the American way.
 My armor is tarnished, Ginnie. Don t 
 You re my hero. Ginnie batted her eyes at him. Was he blushing? He was!
 You re insane. Harry stalked into the kitchen. Ginnie followed, delighted with him, but also still
pondering his words.
 Pushing my buttons, she mused aloud.  I never thought of it that way. But he and my mom both
always said I had a taste for being top dog. To, ah, a pretty large degree. And Helping Hands alluded to
something along those lines too.
Harry fixed himself a scotch. He raised an eyebrow, holding up an empty glass. She nodded.
 Ginnie. He handed her a drink.  What makes you think you re the only one allowed to take
charge? He took a sip of his, looking at her.
His words brought her up short.  What do you mean?
 I mean, just because you have controlling tendencies which isn t always a bad thing that doesn t
rule out others having those same tendencies. Rick clearly did.
 My mom too, Ginnie said, sipping the strong alcohol. She laughed a little.  At least I come by it
honestly. She told Harry about her dad leaving her mother, and the awkwardness of her mom dating, and
Hands On
about some of the fights. She concluded,  I never felt good enough for her, or like anyone would appreciate
the real me. Abandonment issues. I suppose pop psychology would say I ve overcompensated by trying to
put myself in positions where I can better control my environment. She leaned on the counter, smiling,
and looked at him under her lashes.  But I m not a ball-buster by choice.
Harry smiled back at her.  Very glad to hear it.
He was so hot, her hero. She stared at the way a smear of liquor made his curvy lips shine, and jolt of
lust zapped her. She traced a finger along the side of the counter, skating near his hand without touching.
 Would you really have beat up Rick?
 I don t like men who threaten women with violence.
 So, you would ve, but it wouldn t have been anything personal?
Harry stared at her.  It would ve been personal. He moved closer.
A thrill went through her. The heat in his gaze ignited her all over. He looked ready to gobble her up.
She could feel his intensity all the way down to her feet. Her body responded to his proximity, his scent, his
unspoken message, with a surge of desire. And yet&
 Am I making you nervous, Ginnie?
Her hand trembled, and she had to set down her drink. She looked at her offending hand rather than
meeting his gaze.  A little. Her hands never shook. Never. Her marionettes would look palsied if she
didn t have total control over her hands. Harry certainly did make her nervous. What she craved was for
him to take her so wildly, violently and completely that she wouldn t have the presence of mind to worry
about whether or not she lost control. She d never felt that way before.
 What are you afraid of? His voice was a deep and honeyed tone that snaked through her sensuously.
She was afraid she d lose herself. That she d bare her soul to him only to have it measured and found
 Nothing. She picked up her glass with both hands. Sipped. Put it down carefully. With both hands.
His gaze tracked the movement, then returned to her face.  I think I understand.
 If you think I m 
 Shhh. Listen to me.
As if she could conceive of doing anything else with him looming over her, his heat and scent making
her feel lightheaded. Or maybe it was the drink.
He caressed her arm with his fingertips.
Nope, definitely him. Her skin pebbled under his touch, her fine hairs rose, and she shivered
pleasurably. It was the entire delicious six-foot package of him. She could have been frightened of him, the
way he eased into her personal space as if he owned it. He d intimidated Rick until her ex had slunk away
like a defeated schoolyard bully.
But she didn t feel frightened of Harry at all.
www.samhainpublishing.com 71
Christina Crooks
 I want to show you something. Close your eyes.
She thought about it, then did.  Going to be hard to see what you have to show me.
 Keep them closed.
She let out a little shriek and her eyes flew open when he scooped her up.  Trust me, he said, his
warm breath tickling her ear. It felt as erotic as another fine touch. He waited until she closed her eyes
again.  Good.
She could hear from his voice that he wasn t smiling. Somehow that both calmed her and stimulated [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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