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 Nothing helps. Even after you and Mal Ton& I woke up ready for more. Nothing
makes it stop. I still crave you.
Approaching her slowly, he kept his gaze fixed on her eyes. She hadn t spoken of
that night and certainly hadn t admitted she still wanted him.  Do you need me or do
you need us? He wasn t sure he cared anymore. If sharing her with Mal Ton was the
only way he could have her, he was willing to investigate the option.
 I dream of you every night and wake up on fire. Sometimes Mal Ton is there too
but mostly it s just you. She shook her head, her gaze suddenly sad.  This isn t how
it s supposed to be. Lust shouldn t be an addiction.
Maybe it s more than lust. He didn t speak the words but they rang through his heart
and filled his mind with hope.  We ll figure this out together, but there is no reason for
us to suffer in the meantime. After Mal Ton left that night, you slept like a baby in my
arms. We might not be able to drive back the hunger indefinitely, but we can give
ourselves a few hours of peace.
 Something is causing this hunger. It s not natural. She paused and he nodded in
agreement.  So what happens if we figure out how to turn it off and I discover I don t
even like you?
 I enjoy working with you. What little time we ve had to ourselves has been
comfortable and pleasant. I know I like you even when I m not overcome with lust. If
you find you don t feel the same, we ll deal with it then. Part confidence and part
genuine affection allowed him to sound so calm. He wasn t willing to lose her so he had
to take it one step at a time.
She nodded and glanced toward his office door with obvious longing. Did she want
to play in his office or was she thinking about the adjoining bedroom? Either plan was
fine with him.
Andrea dragged her gaze away from Roark s office door with a sigh.  Let s educate
Nehalem then we ll go scratch our mutual itch. She d started to make similar
suggestions countless times over the last few days. All he had to do was lean in close
and let his spicy scent filled her nose and sensations ricocheted all through her body.
 Are you sure you don t want to 
Aubrey Ross
 Once I have you naked, you re going to stay that way for a good long time.
She chuckled.  Promise.
Roark tapped his audiocom and said,  Talbot to Adoha. Please return to the
infirmary. She couldn t hear Mal Ton s response, but Roark said,  Copy. They re on
their way.
 If Nehalem is Bryson s wife, how did Mal Ton get anywhere near her?
 Mal Ton can be extremely resourceful. Roark paused for a secretive smile.
 Nehalem was on a quest to recapture Bryson s attention so she worked her way
through a progressively more scandalous string of lovers. Mal Ton set himself squarely
in her path and allowed her to seduce him. He didn t think she realized who he was,
just that he was Stilox. Apparently, she was playing him all along.
 That s got to sting.
 Oddly enough, he ll probably admire her for it. Those who have bested Mal Ton
are few and far between. The infirmary door slid open and Nehalem entered followed
immediately by Mal Ton. Their companionable demeanor proved Roark s point for him.
 What can we do for you? Mal Ton asked.
Andrea had been rather waspish when Nehalem first arrived so she tried a more
diplomatic approach.  First and foremost, your symptoms are not being caused by the
virus used in the original weapon.
 How is that possible? Amber light flickered through her light brown eyes and she
looked to Mal Ton for reassurance.
 This is a good thing, Andrea assured.  The virus affecting you is much less
aggressive. You were led to believe the inhibitor is hindering your transformation, but I
don t believe that s true.
 Let me start at the beginning, Roark suggested.  This is rather confusing. We
found the antigen or protein marker left behind by the original lentavirus, but it has
been nullified. You re cured.
 That s odd, Nehalem let her eyes flash with amber fire,  I don t feel cured.
 You were given a second, less virulent virus about eighteen months ago.
Her eyes rounded and she covered her mouth with one trembling hand.  They set
me up. They& mutated me so I d seek out Fane.
 Does Bryson know you succeeded in joining the Mutant Underground?
 Oh gods, Fane s condition started deteriorating shortly after I came in contact with
him. What if I made him sick?
 We have no way of knowing unless we run tests on Fane, Roark told her.
 No way. I m not leading anyone else to Fane. If Bryson is on to me, I ve put you all
in danger.
 You ve also brought us vital information. We now know the Protarians can nullify
their creation. If your DNA wasn t tainted with the second virus, I might have been able
to replicate their work.
 So we ll bring you someone with untainted DNA. The fury in Nehalem s gaze
made it obvious she had someone specific in mind.
 Bryson is far too dangerous, Mal Ton insisted.  Even dead I couldn t risk
bringing him here. Who is your second choice? They have to be in the highest order of
the elite.
She chuckled, a cold menacing sound.  I know just the person.
* * * * *
Andrea turned around in a slow circle, amazed by the transformation. Darkness
blotted out the skyline, leaving only the twisted shadow of ruined buildings and a vast
expanse of starry sky. After exhausting their options in the lab, Roark had disappeared
for a short time. Now she knew why.
He d spread several thick blankets near the center of the observation deck and
arranged pillows and oddly shaped cushions around the parameter of the makeshift
bed. A low tray held glasses of wine and a selection of finger foods. The faint sound of
rustling leaves and night birds reached her ears and she could no longer suppress a
dreamy smile. Bathed in the moon s silvery light, the platform seemed to float in the
velvet embrace of night. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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