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my hand again.
I told her that I would expect to see her regularly, but that I
wouldn t interfere with her work or her life. I told her that I
would take care of her when we were together, that in return she
would show me due respect.
 Due respect? she interrupted.  What does that mean?
 Well, not interrupting me, for one. Obeying me, not being a
smart ass. You showed respect to Vincent, I m sure.
 Vincent never talked to me this much. He just did what he
 I ll do that too, a lot of the time. I knew she was feeling
lost.  You ll get used to what I want soon enough. I ll make it
very easy for you to understand. And in return, you just be
Wednesday. You give me your body, and your reactions, and
your fear, and your beauty, and your obedience. Okay?
 Okay, Daniel. How should I address you?
 You ll call me Daniel. And I ll call you whatever the hell I
want. And you will come when I tell you to come for me, and
when you don t have permission, as you probably suspected,
you re not to come.
 Okay, Daniel, she said a little breathlessly. I smiled,
delving between her legs with my questing, slickened fingers. I
gave it about two minutes before I brought her off and she had to
take her first official punishment from me.
6. Bonds
 Daniel... she pleaded. I only shook my head.
 Please. She squirmed under my touch. I leaned over to lick
one taut nipple.
 I don t want you to come yet.
She sighed, somewhat irritably.
 Careful, Wednesday. Don t get petulant with me. That will
really make me mad. Let s see how much control you have.
Don t come.
She looked away from me, trying to distract herself.
 Look at me, I growled.  Be a good girl.
 Do you really want me to be good? Or do you want me to be
bad, so you can punish me?
I pinched her nipple hard, naughty little slut.  You can be a
good girl for me, Wednesday, mostly good, and a little bad. And
I won t have to treat you like shit to get off on it all. Your
happiness will be enough for me.
 My happiness? she echoed. My fingers circled her clit, and
she sighed.
 Do you know what I think, Wednesday? I think you want to
feel cared for. You want to feel treasured and safe.
She just looked at me, and there was no need for any words
then. We both knew that I was right.
 I can do that for you. I can take care of you, little one. You
want someone to please, someone to be a good girl for. Be a
good girl for me, and I ll make you glad. And Wednesday...don t
She shook her head, as if that settled things, as if by her will
alone, she could obey. But my wicked will was involved here
too, and I couldn t wait to give her a little pain. I lowered my lips
to suck first one nipple, then the other. I thrust my fingers up
inside her, felt her hips move, felt her shiver, and felt her come.
I ll give her credit. She made no sound or indication, but I felt it,
and her guilty eyes met mine.
 I remember, I whispered conspiratorially.  Your secret
orgasms. I remember them well. You ll never fool me, though,
so don t even try it.
Owning Wednesday
 Daniel, she whispered back.  I m sorry. I want to be a good
girl for you.
 You will be, I said.  It will take practice. Don t worry, I ll
help you learn.
I untied her, and retied her on her tummy, where she d remain
for the rest of the night. I pulled my belt out of my pants and
doubled it over, and looked down at the beautiful, beautiful girl
on my bed.
 I d like you to count, Wednesday. Up to twenty.
 Yes, Daniel, she said.
* * *
OUCH! JESUS! I thought he spanked hard. His fucking belt was
pretty hard to take. Ten. Eleven. Twelve! Vicious, aching sting. I
hadn t taken a spanking in over a month then, so yes, I counted
for him, but it wasn t easy to do. By the end, I was really, truly
crying, even thinking the words Untie me, Daniel in my mind.
But no, I didn t say them. This wasn t really a safe word
moment; it was just a spanking that came when I was far too
relaxed and loose.
Daniel had fucked me first, to my infinite pleasure, my face
pressed against the wall beside my door. His cock was just as
lovely as I remembered it, thick and insistent, and he d let me
come too, urged me to it actually. Then he d tied me up and
toyed with me until I hummed and ached with need, and yes,
intentionally made me come without permission, just as I d
known all along he would from the insidious look in his eye.
I couldn t blame him at all. He was aching to discipline me.
He had been all night, he had been for months, I suppose, so, no,
I wasn t surprised. To be truthful, I wanted it too. I had waited
impatiently for that moment when he d take me in hand, when
he d tell me how to be good, exactly how to please him. I wanted
him to call me his good girl, to correct me and punish me and
make everything okay.
Afterwards, he d knelt over the back of me, soothing me. All
6. Bonds
these tears, Wednesday, he d said. I could feel his hard cock
resting between my legs. All I cared about was that he fuck me
again, right there, right then, right now, and he had, and I d come
like mad the moment he said I could. He had chuckled
afterwards, sprawled over my back, and said I can already see
you re going to be a hard one to control.
But no, I didn t think so. Hard to control? He already
controlled me, that was plain enough to see. He already had me
completely under his thumb, under his heel, wrapped around his
little finger. All those trite expressions, I was all of them and
more. While I thought of that, I d fallen fast asleep underneath
him, before he even had slipped away from me.
I woke up a few hours later, in darkness. I panicked for a
moment in my bonds, thinking myself alone, until I turned to see
him there. My clock said 2 AM, and I really had to go, but I was
still tied securely to the bed.
 Daniel. Daniel! His arm was thrown across me, he was
dead asleep. I started to struggle in earnest, and called his name
louder.  Daniel! Untie me, I have to go pee!
He came awake and drowsily started to untie me, but he
wasn t getting anywhere fast.  It s an emergency, I whimpered.
 Scissors. They re here somewhere. He groped around the
top of the bedside table, then down on the floor.
 Please, hurry!
He found them, and cut through the ties. I ran to the
bathroom, the strips of sheets still dangling from my wrists and
ankles, and managed to get there on time. I stumbled back to
bed, half asleep before I even lay down, and next I knew,
morning light was filtering into the room.
Daniel stirred beside me, reaching out to enfold me in his
arms. It was a strange feeling, this morning coziness. Vincent
had usually woken me with a thrust of his cock. But Daniel
turned me to him and kissed me, and stroked his hands down my
arms until he found the pieces of sheet.
 I suppose I should untie you now, shouldn t I?
 You probably better, I agreed.  Although I enjoyed being
Owning Wednesday
tied up by you.
 I know you did, I could tell. He already had the first one
loose and I flexed my wrist with a smile. He moved next to the
ties at my ankles, and had to use his teeth to get those undone. It
was playtime suddenly, as he chewed at the fabric scraps, leering
at me and biting my calf. I laughed, feeling totally new. It was
like he untied me from the old me, from my old life. Fun in bed,
what a novel occurrence. I d not laughed in bed with Vincent,
not once in eight years. I d cried, and thrilled, and come for him,
but laughed like this, and played?
Daniel crawled up my body then to untie my other wrist, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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