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met Alexis' eyes and smiled, the expression strangely hopeful and weary at the same time, "It would
be a pleasure to speak even briefly with you, on this or other matters."
Alexis glanced over at Gage, caught the furrowed brows and calculating expression, and decided that
one option or the other, both were going to try his patience. He wondered briefly if he should explain
himself to Gage. After all, the man didn't know he'd been caught.
Andra Sashner 28
Never mind, he told himself firmly, watching Gage's smile slip away. Games are games. Time to play;
Alan or Gage?
Alexis' stomach turned over and it seemed suddenly easier to suppose he'd do better with the option
that might shed a bit more light on something useful. He turned and nodded to Alan, allowing his
new acquaintance to escort him back to the elevators.
At midnight, the restaurant closing behind them, Alexis accompanied Alan out to the elevators again,
both quiet and contemplative.
For Alexis, a quick call to Ian before settling down to dinner had confirmed Alan Keller's worth and
trustworthiness. Ian had not one ill word to say about the man, and the descriptions had matched
perfectly. Frost had always been a little too observant for his own good.
The night had been filled with thoughts and revelations, of possible truths and insider knowledge. Ian
had not been pleased the two had met, had issued an apology before ending the call... and Alexis
now knew why. Or possibly why. And possibly why Sir Ashton had been suspicious over his actions in
ridding the company of the people he had. The layers and implications were startling and shocking...
and to know he'd unwittingly played a hand in so many of these little strategies
This was a mess. Jobs could be lost and lives ruined, including his own.
He noticed Alan seemed regretful when looking at him, and he turned to offer as attentive
expression as he could, an invitation to speak.
"I'd wanted to get to know you when I saw you upstairs earlier," Alan murmured, moving close, voice
soft and personal. "To hear you were the son of... well, I had not expected that at all." He paused a
moment then said, "I apologise that you had to hear all you did from me. And I regret that we met
under these circumstances."
Nodding, Alexis returned, "As do I."
"Is there any way that you can allow me to make it up to you?" Alan gave him that smile again, the
hopeful open smile he'd had earlier when they'd been discussing what kinds of people glared at
security cameras. "I would be honoured if you would."
"You're a born charmer, aren't you?" Alexis mused, some hope that this evening wasn't completely
ruined returning.
"I try," came the wry reply. "Is it working?"
"Maybe a little." Alexis led the way into the lift and punched the button for the top floor. He angled
his head in an acknowledging gesture at Alan, "It's the only place open in this building that's quiet
enough. And I'd prefer to stay here."
Alan nodded, quickly picking up on that Alexis was a guest of the hotel tonight. "I never did get to
visit the place. Won't it seem odd to be here together, though?"
"Do you intend to have a host?"
Of Suits & Swords 29
"Well, no. I believe the intention was to get to know you." Alan smiled again.
"Then I don't perceive a reason for this visit to be odd."
They were smiling slightly at each other as they exited the lifts and approached the reception desk.
Alan nodded to the young man behind the counter, "We're not here to be hosted. May we have a
table off to one side? A quiet place to talk, if you please."
"Of course, sir," the man said, quickly checking over his computer.
They were efficiently led into the club moments later, past the bar and main club area toward the
rear where the set up was more a lounge-area. "Your table, Mr Grayson," the waiter half-bowed to
Alexis, "Sir," again a bow to Alan before leaving them with menus, "Enjoy your evening."
"They know you by name here?" Alan asked, teasing and surprised.
"It appears so." Alexis knew that waiter; he'd been the one to attend to him and Gage. The meanings
and possibilities behind the recognition had the potential to give him a severe headache. But he
rejected them and tried to enjoy his present company.
Just over an hour later, pleasantly buzzed on good wine, relaxed from enjoyable company, and
contented by friendly conversation on things in common, Alexis made his way to the men's room. He
did his business and washed his hands then bent to put his face into a handful of cold water. He
rinsed his mouth free of the cloying alcoholic after tastes then stood to smooth back his hair,
catching the reflection of the mirror, breath snagging in his throat, spinning around to face
"Gage!" Alexis narrowed his eyes at the man, "You startled me." He had not sensed the man's
approach. "How did you do that?"
"I'm aware of your arts," Gage spoke slowly, remaining where he was and not advancing, looking
contrite but tense and clearly displeased... and looking far too handsome, too good, too delicious for
Alexis' peace of mind. "It was unfair of me to use such knowledge but I knew..." He sighed softly, "I
apologise. I did not mean to alarm you." He solemnly searched Alexis' gaze before stepping slowly
forward, looking wistful and longing, "I have missed you. Yet you're not here to see me."
"It has come to light that I had visited with a ghost." Alexis did not bother hiding his irritation;
irritation at the situation and his own reaction, hyperaware and longing, to the charismatic host.
"You looked me up," Gage observed, surprised and pausing in his step a moment before he resumed
his pace. He finally stopped a half-step before Alexis, hands by his sides and looking down into Alexis'
upturned, stormy gaze. He seemed to relax, marginally, and a quirk of his lips was the only warning
before he asked, "You were interested in me?"
"Nonsense," Alexis refuted, irritated Gage did not even bother to deny the subtle accusation. "I
simply dislike it when people prod first." For some reason, Gage relaxed further, reminding him of
the man he had first met, the controlled and intelligent person he'd been attracted to.
"You mean Basil." Gage gently cupped his cheek, apology in his eyes and tone. "I did not realise I had
given reason to alarm you in speaking with him. Had I known, I would have kept well away from
him." A small smile tugged at his lips, "And he had that special card I sent you "
Andra Sashner 30
"That is beside the point," snapped Alexis. Trying to calm himself, he drew a deep breath... only to
inhale Gage's spicy scent and his head began to spin with the heady aroma of cologne and that
undertone that was all Gage. Rebelliously, he refused to surrender his temper; was this fool not even
going to feel the slightest bit guilty? Or was it really because he had nothing to fear? The confusion,
the irritation and yearning, set Alexis on edge and
Gage's eyes had turned molten. "Indeed it is." [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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