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was a murdering…"
Claudia Rose
"… slut of the first water." A harsh voice interrupted imperiously. Aphra, Prey and
Jess all whirled to face the newest intruder. Harwood stood in the door of the dressing
room, a sneer on his face, and a sword in each hand. "I have found your sword, Count,"
he said. "It was hidden among women’s under things. I am sure there is some
significance in that, but I can’t for the moment think what it might be."
"What are you doing here, Harwood?" Aphra’s eyes were dark with fury, and her
voice had risen to a shriek. "I ordered you to stay behind."
"Ordered? I don’t take the orders of a whore. Daughter of an even greater whore."
He turned his attention back to Prey. "Did you hear me, Count. I called your dead
mother a whore. Do you have the courage to avenge a mortal insult? Or are you a
eunuch who hides behind women? Show me whether you still have honor, although I
think not."
"Harwood. Begone this instant or I will kill you myself."
Jess couldn’t credit how quickly the vampire moved. In a blink he was across the
room to confront Aphra, the point of his sword hovering a fraction of an inch from her
eye. "Did you not hear me? I am not your servant. I am here to avenge my honor by
destroying this pretender. You can either stand aside, or be destroyed too."
"Fine. I was tiring of you anyway. Go to your doom fool. I will relish your
"So you say. Methinks that when I have finished with your sibling I will dispatch
you as well. Followed soon after by the mortal. As soon as I have used her for my
pleasure that is." Harwood turned his attention back to Prey. "What say you Count? Do
you have honor or no?"
Prey’s upper lip twitched contemptuously, but he spoke no reply. Enraged,
Harwood hurled the other sword at him. Prey caught it deftly in mid-air, and in a single
fluid movement slid the blade from its scabbard. The weapon gleamed with a hundred
points of light from the chandeliers, a lethal tempered-steel sliver of murderous
perfection. He tested the point, almost casually, and made a couple of experimental
Prey for Me
passes in the air. Then he turned to Harwood with studied nonchalance. "Shall we
"In a moment. There is one thing more to be done."
"And that is?"
In reply, Harwood dipped his left hand into the pocket of his coat and gingerly
withdrew a small pewter flask decorated with arcane engravings. With a flick of his
fingers, he sent the flask spinning through the air towards Jess. Caught unawares she
clutched instinctively at the tiny container and barely caught it with her fingertips.
Harwood’s good eye awarded her a contemptuous stare. Then, in a flat voice, he said,
"This is Holy Water. Pour it over our blades…if the Count has the courage to allow it."
"Wh-what? Why?" Jess stammered in confusion.
Prey answered her softly, his voice a soothing touch. "Holy Water is lethal to
vampires. Drenched in it, our blades become capable of inflicting permanent injury,
even death. He craves a duel to the death. I shall satisfy his craving. Trickle the water
down the length of each blade as he has instructed."
"So this Holy Water is lethal to you, and harmless to me?" Prey nodded. The others
said nothing, simply stared at her. "Fine," Jessica continued, unscrewing the lid. "Then
you can all fucking well wait while I get some clothes on." She trickled a small amount
of the clear fluid over her fingers, then began walking towards the dressing room. She
knew she was playing with fire, but couldn’t help flicking her wet fingers at Aphra as
she passed. The vampiress flinched, and gasped as a tiny droplet scorched her skin.
Then she smiled murderously.
"One more affront you will suffer for, mortal bitch."
Jess noticed Prey looking on approvingly. Evidently he preferred to see her facing
up to her tormentors. Whatever the risk, she felt better about herself for taking a stand.
In the dressing room she pulled on her biker-chick gear, hoping that the leathers would
offer a little more presence and protection. When she walked back into the bedroom it
Claudia Rose
was as if the others had not moved. Prey smiled widely when he saw what she was clad
in. Jess even detected traces of grudging respect in the faces of Harwood and Aphra.
"Hold out your blades." They did so, pointing the weapons at the floor, the bottom
twelve inches crossing. Carefully Jess trickled the holy water down the length of each
blade. The water snaked and twisted its way down the steel in gleaming silver coils, to
puddle on the carpet.
"Now stand back, Love," said Prey softly when the last drops had anointed the
metal. "For Harwood has an appointment with the judge of all." Obediently Jess moved
to the wall on the side of the room opposite Aphra.
"I am the judge, Count," responded Harwood. "And I decree that your nights are at
an end." At the final word he lunged furiously. Jess screamed, certain the thrust would
destroy her lover. But Prey took a small light step back and turned the attack aside with
an effortless flick of his wrist. Harwood was intent on keeping his opponent on the back
foot, and so pressed his attack. His blade lunged and hacked. Prey’s blade turned and
parried. Yet Harwood seemed to have the advantage. Inch by inch Prey was forced
backward, retreating before the onslaught until his back was hard against the bedroom
"I’ll pin you like a moth, Count," threatened Harwood through gritted teeth. Prey [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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